AV System Design

Phase 1 – Design & Pricing

– 01

Initial Consultations

You will have a meeting with an ONIO Interactive project specialist to discuss everything from your vision and expectations to budget and timeline. For larger projects, this phase will also include schematic design.

– 02

Design Development

Our team will transform your vision into detailed plans with the aid of our expertise. We work with all current industry-standard 2D and 3D CAD platforms. ONIO Interactive will coordinate with your interior designer, architect, and other professional consultants to achieve this milestone.

– 03

Specifications & Cost Approval

The project specialist will present floor plans, equipment lists, and calculations. We will collaboratively make adjustments, considering equipment colors, finishes, placements, control types, and sources. We ensure the project stays within budget and handle any necessary value engineering. Once you are fully satisfied with the details, you will provide approval to proceed.

Phase 1 - AV Des (Custom)

Phase 2 – Planning, Documentation & Procurement

– 04

Finalize Construction Documents

We create detailed construction documents to ensure seamless coordination with your general contractor and other trades. These documents cover mounting methods, positions, control locations, cable paths, electrical, and data needs. All documents and specification sheets are compiled in a cloud-based project file for easy access by you and other professionals.

– 05

Procurement and Preparation

All equipment is ordered and prepared in our facility. We pre-build equipment racks, prep, program, and organize materials for your project to minimize the time needed on-site and maximize the integration’s success.

– 06

Scheduling Labor, Equipment Delivery, and Other Trades

We schedule equipment installation in the appropriate construction phases with detailed plans and coordination with all relevant trades and timelines. This ensures smooth progress by eliminating mistakes, delays, and double booking of overlapping trades.

Phase 2 - AV Documentation Development

Phase 3 – Installation, Training & Long Term Service

– 07

Supervising Construction

We provide supervision, eliminating communication breakdowns between you, workers in the field, and our offices. You are assigned a personal project manager, keeping you informed at all times.

– 08

Clean-Up and Walk-Through

At completion, we provide a thorough inspection, testing, and walk-through with you and your personal project manager. We are not satisfied until you are.

– 09

Final Programming and Training

While training you and your staff on operating the system, we often find ways to improve control programming based on your operational needs. These adjustments are typically made on the spot. After this, a full set of as-built drawings will be submitted for your records, along with a 1-year installation warranty that provides peace of mind.

– 10

Service Contract

You will be presented with various service package options, typically a subscription but also available as an à la carte option. Both will include remote monitoring, remote software/firmware upgrades, end-of-life notifications, long-term replacement planning, on-site cleaning, and maintenance schedules.

Phase 3 - AV Installation

Reach out

If you are interested in our services, drop us a line.